Monday, April 14, 2014

post 1 proposal

Justin Malaguti
3d studio animation
Character Designer
I am going to design 2 characters and an environment. The first character is the lone Mongolian warrior who enters the villages the night before it gets raided by the Mongolian army. The second character is going to be a villager who talks to the man at the bar. And the environment will be the village and bar that the man enters. 

Schedule for story boarding
Week 1 - get advisor
Week 2 – start storyboarding             
Week 3 – have rough sketches done of all story boards
Week 4 – have at least ¼ of storyboard final
Week 5 - have at least half of storyboard done
Week7 – finish inking storyboard
Week 8 – begin color
Week 9 – finish color / work on animatic in after effects
Week 10 – turn in storyboard

Justin malaguti
3D Animation Studio
I am going to make a storyboard for a 60 second animation that will be a TV animation. It is going to be a short that follows a single Mongolian man from Attila the Huns army. He goes from town to town always the night before the towns get raided. He enters the town and befriends the townspeople at a local bar before midnight and at midnight he tells everyone that they are getting raided at sunrise. Everyone laughs at the man because they think he is joking. They continue drinking into the night. The man slips out the front door smiling.  Then the next morning he watches from a hill as the village below burns. And he repeats this going around to the next village

Schedule for concept design
Week 1 – get advisor
Week 2 – begin sketches of 2 characters and characters in environment
Week 3 – once I have character sketches done begin 5 point turn around
Week 4 – ink turn arounds
Week 5 – color turn arounds
Week6 –
Week 7 –  ink and color characters in environment
Week 8 –
Week 9 –
Week 10 – turn in both character designs